What are the Transfer Station hours?
The Transfer Station and Recycling Center are open on Tuesday 8:00 A.M. – Noon, Thursday and Saturday 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
What are the Town Office hours?
Monday through Friday (except Holidays) from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
When are Town Council meetings?
Second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 P.M. More info click here
Is the Town working to help property owners clean some of the less well-maintained properties?
Yes, under direction from the Town Council, the code enforcement officer has issued a number of Property Maintenance Ordinance violations to motivate property owners to make good efforts to clean the exterior of their properties. The Town has conducted a curbside spring clean-up effort and is discussing with a number of property owners what can be done to help them make major clean up efforts.
2023-24 Tax Bill Copies
Help Wanted
Click here for more details
Fiber internet is now available at every residence in Baileyville!
Click here for more details
Thinking about starting a business in Baileyville?
Click here for more details
Welcome to the Town of Baileyville, Maine
Baileyville is a small town in rural Washington County, Maine. We pride ourselves on being family and business-friendly, with an excellent school system and a vibrant, growing community. The Town of Baileyville was incorporated on February 16, 1828 in the State of Maine.
Baileyville has its own police department, volunteer fire department, recreation department, transfer station, wastewater treatment plant, public library, water district, and public works department to serve the residents. The fall season is a busy one. Octoberfest is a much-anticipated event, with a parade and fall-themed activities. In December we have a holiday parade and more activities to celebrate the season.
We enjoy sharing a border with Canada, and access to the Maritimes is only a short trip away. We have a conveniently located industrial park near major highways Routes 1 and 9, and a small airport is within 4 miles.
The Town of Baileyville promotes Economic Development. Please visit our page to learn more.
The Town of Baileyville is also a founding member of Downeast Broadband Utility, an organization dedicated to bringing community owned fiber optic broadband to the communitiies of eastern Maine. We have successfully completed the construction of fiber optic broadband to serve all residences and businesses within the Town. We currently have one Internet Service Provider, Pioneer Broadband: https://pioneerbroadband.net