James McLaughlin, Director
Gary Townsend
John McPhee
Todd Monk
Contact Public Works
Phone: 207-427-6208
The Town Garage is located at 22 Town Road.
Winter Road Maintenance
The department is responsible for plowing on all public roads, municipal parking lots, and school areas. It is our general policy that plowing begins after an accumulation of approximately 2 to 3 inches. We would encourage property owners not to shovel snow onto travel lanes of streets. It’s both dangerous and a violation of Town ordinances. At the conclusion of each storm, the main arteries are treated with clear salt, and our secondary roads have a sand/salt mixture applied. Residents are urged to minimize travel during storm emergencies to allow equipment to clear the streets.
The Town also has an overnight parking ban on all streets between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M. from November 1 to April 1. Any questions regarding our winter maintenance program should be directed to the Director of Public Works.
Summer Road Maintenance
Summer road maintenance activities include storm drain maintenance, sweeping, and paving. The Town has catch basins that require annual cleaning. All roads are swept a minimum of twice a year, with additional sweepings on our main arteries. Spring sweeping usually takes the longest, due to the volume of winter sand on the roads. The department asks for your patience during the process. Street trees within the right-of-way fall under department jurisdiction.